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The Pedagogy of Listening – The Importance of really Listening

The Pedagogy of Listening – The Importance of really Listening

Pedagogy literally means the method and practice of teaching. At UNIS Hanoi we use the practice of listening as an important teaching tool.

Actively listening is an act of focus, respect and mindfulness. Listening with the intention of understanding and learning involves careful observation or engaging in dialogue. Being an IB PYP school and one that deeply values inquiry and the process of constructing meaning at UNIS Hanoi we adopt a range and balance of best practice when thinking about how children learn. The pedagogy of listening is especially important in the Early Years.

The concept of the pedagogy of listening comes from the Reggio Emelia Pre Schools in northern Italy. Carla Rinaldi, a highly respected leader of early childhood learning says ‘listening is an active verb, which involves giving an interpretation, giving meaning to the message and value to those who are being listened to by others’. In our Early Years programme, guided by the learning outcomes from Te Whariki curriculum, our teachers are researchers and as such are deeply involved in observing, guiding and facilitating inquiry and learning by actively listening to their students. Students come to our learning spaces full of curiosity and wonder, ready to share, show and learn. The pedagogy of listening is a concept that grows from how we listen, the elements that make up active listening and the behaviours that support truly engaging with each other.

We know that listening is at the foundation of all learning. To be able to listen, make connections, build on each others’ ideas, this is how we create meaning and are able to act and reflect. It is joyous to listen to our students’, your children’s thinking. Listening to them make sense of their world and also constructing meaning of their experiences and interactions guides the inquiry and learning in the space.

Nitasha Crishna
Lower ES Deputy Principal