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Student Master Classes with University of Melbourne

Student Master Classes with University of Melbourne

Our high school counselling team supported the visit of a large contingent of faculty and admissions personnel from the University of Melbourne. Visiting lecturers offered our students a Master Classes so they could experience a university-style topic of interest to them. The team commented on how thoughtful and articulate they found the UNIS Hanoi students. 

Grade 11 and Grade 12 students are invited to participate in four MasterClasses offered by visiting University of Melbourne professors. Students could choose between: Robots as Part of our Social Future; IT and Digital Skills for the 21st Century; Economics: Money, Inflation, and the Cost of Living; Amazing Parasites: What are parasites, what is their purpose, and why are they amazing? Melbourne professors commented on how engaged our students were and highlighted their critical thinking skills. Professors also made themselves available at lunch for all Secondary students to ask questions about their specific fields, related careers, and what to pursue in university related to their interests.