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SDG 16 In Focus

The DP Global Politics in a Risk Society (GPS) classes took a deep dive into the practical application of the expectations of SDG 16 - to “provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.  They did this by exploring the foundational document in any society - a constitution.

Four student government constitutions in fact! Each one from a different international high school on a different continent.

Using a tool developed by UNICEF’s Roger Hart called “Hart’s Ladder of Youth Empowerment” we thoroughly interrogated each constitution to evaluate the extent to which students at the various schools had a real voice, were included in decision taking & the student government was held accountable for its actions or inaction.

Our goal through this exercise was to think globally and act locally so that we can learn how to act globally better.

What did we uncover about our own UNIS Hanoi student government constitution?