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☘️ Republic of Ireland ☘️ Ambassador Visits GPS Class!

☘️ Republic of Ireland ☘️ Ambassador Visits GPS Class!

What a treat for us in GPS!

As we just started our unit on development and sustainability, Ambassador Ní Fhallúin joined us to give us some details and genealogy of the Republic of Ireland’s development, first as a member of the European Economic Community and then later the European Union (EU). We knew that EU membership had an impact but we did not realise how significant that impact was.

But we got much more from Ambassador Ní Fhallúin!

After some important career development details (something that will help us a great deal as we develop our own career plans), we discussed some issues related to governance in Ireland organized, the role of the ‘Taoiseach’ in Ireland (pronounced ‘t-shock’) and the role of the president.

Ambassador Ní Fhallúin’s career trajectory is fascinating!

She also spoke to us in detail about development, sharing with us the six (6) high-level goals set out by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Ireland’s ‘A Better World’, Ireland’s aid approach in terms of ‘official development assistance’, ‘emergency aid’, and support for ‘increased trade relations’.

Ambassador Ní Fhallúin gave us some insights into Irish Aid’s ‘A-Better-World’ and exactly where they cooperate with other EU member states and the EU Commission regarding aid in Vietnam. It is quite complex.

This led to a role of Irish Aid in Vietnam and the specific projects Ireland is involved in. This is extremely useful for us given our different engagement activity project ideas.