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Independent Reading Programme (DEAR)

Independent Reading Programme (DEAR)

Reading is a lifelong skill that improves memory, literacy, critical thinking, language and vocabulary skills. Reading is not only an essential part of all learning, but it also creates the opportunity for students to explore different perspectives and learn to empathise with the experiences of others.

One of the goals of the Language and Literature team (Vietnamese, Korean, and English) at UNIS Hanoi is to inspire a love of reading and provide students with the opportunity to develop personal reading habits. To achieve this goal, all secondary school students participate in the UNIS Independent Reading Programme.

The Independent Reading Programme provides students with the opportunity to:

  • Set realistic and achievable reading goals
  • Read a wide variety of genres
  • Read books by a diverse range of authors
  • Develop consistent reading habits
  • Build reading stamina
  • Strengthen memory, literacy, language and vocabulary skills.

The role of the student:
In Middle School, Grade 6 through Grade 8 students set personal reading goals. Each student identifies the number of books they wish to read, and they consider the practicalities of how to achieve this goal. Students will communicate the books they choose to read via Book Talks.

In High School, Grade 9 & 10 students select the books they wish to read and will create a response to the book they have read in their MYP Learner Portfolio. 

The role of the teacher: 
Grade 6 through 10 Language and Literature teachers support students as they engage in the Independent Reading Programme through the following:

  • One-on-one reading conversations with students.
  • Collaboration with the Teacher Librarian to curate a wide variety of books for students to choose from. The books can be accessed via the classroom library collection, book group/class text collections, and through Teacher Librarian and Language and Literature teacher recommendations.
  • Ensure students have the opportunity to read in the first 10 minutes of Language and Literature lessons. 

Secondary school support: 
As reading is central to all learning, within the Middle School Homebase Program students engage in a lesson of DEAR (Drop Everything And Read). This is a specific time within the student’s busy schedule to pause and engage in the Independent Reading Programme. For all students, the Library has a wide range of books for students to borrow and read.