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4th Annual Middle School SDG Amazing Race

A highlight and display of both leadership in the Middle School and creating a SPARK for action around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 4th Annual SDG Amazing RACE was held on UN Day. This was the first year that the race has been a totally student-led event. Our fabulous Sustainability Club student leaders drove the event and created a station for each of the SDG goals that allowed students to interact with the Goals by identifying and exploring ways to take action, inquire into data and innovations, and celebrating strengths within our community of learners. 

As students completed each station, they received points for their team. Along the way, they also encountered Wildcard opportunities to gain more points, experience some team building activities and have a laugh or three. The race itself represents SDG 17 – Partnerships of the Goals. It was fabulous to see our Middle School students engaging in student created activities for the afternoon. Our Middle School mentors who helped facilitate stations beamed with pride and smiles as the student teams raced, engaged, connected and learned.